Saturday, February 11, 2012

Weekly Recap

Hope everyone had a wonderful week! It's hard to believe that the week has gone by so quickly and its the weekend already. This week was considerably better than the last and I am working to finding balance which is the most important. 

Monday: My busiest day of the week surprisingly went off without a hitch. It was my first meeting as the secretary of the biology club and it was actually fun! I get to send out emails to the group, take notes, and attendance; before that, I mentored my 2nd grader... might I say, she is adorable. She didn't see me in the beginning of the session because I was getting trained and she said that she was looking all over for me! Aww. 

Tuesday: Perhaps the most boring and thrilling day at the same time. My stat class is so monotone but easy, so I don't mind it too much. Then my chem lab went by quickly and my afternoon freed up quite a bit, so I had time to get ahead on homework and sat laughing with my friends at dinner for two hours.

At dinner I was told by a friend that her roommate (another friend of mine) loves my voice and thinks that I could do voiceovers! What a weird thing to say... but if I was a cartoon voice I'd like to be a cute character, or an animal of some sort!

Speaking of cute animals...

Wednesday: After having a late night on Tuesday and not really sleeping either, I wasn't in the best mood... until I got a package filled with some wonderful goodies from my family! My sister took my snail mail post to heart and sent me this, and while reading it, I had a Whole Food's lunch in my room and had a heart shaped cookies (homemade!) for desert. 

How amazing is this letter, my sister tea dyed it and burned the edges.
Ultimate snail mail! xoxo

Thursday: I was so scared for my bio lab, so my day was a bit stressful, until I got to lab and it was over in half the time. I had another laugh filled dinner, and a friend told me that I have old lady sassiness... weird hugh?! Then I got roped into taking people from my dorm to the mall, then got back and went to an SI session and then had to help a friend with a lab report, an early night turned late... again.

Much needed shut eye!

Friday: After two quizzes, a lunch with a friend off campus, tour guiding for an hour, two hours of homework, a quick dinner and a Shakespeare play 30 min away, I some how had enough energy to go to the freshman snowflake dance for an hour. 

My friends and I at the snowflake!

I was also called an academic wife... this was quite an interesting week! hehe

Saturday: Today I wasn't the most productive student on the planet, I got up late after our late night last night and even though I got reading done for three classes and cleaned my room, I didn't do my long term assignments like an essay on the play and a lab report in bio. Then I went to the best restaurant in town, its called Plan B, I know weird name right? But I had the best burger and nachos that I have ever had! 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! xox

Photos either via Pinterest or my own pics.

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