Monday, June 18, 2012

Quote of the Day

What a spectacular quote... being confident in yourself and your own abilities is essential! My mom and grandma have always said to always do what is good for you and to be a leader and not a follower and this quote follows that same direction. Forget about leveling up to others because in the long run it will slow you down and unsteady your focus... focus on loving and appreciating every part of yourself, that is where you will truly figure out who you really are! 

Enjoy! xox

P.S - People always ask where and why I have these words of wisdom at only 18... a lot of it comes from lessons my family has shared. The rest comes from my own experiences and paths thus far. I was always (still am) the one that people comes to for advise or to talk about anything and because of that I have a repertoire of words of wisdom that I believe in!  

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