Tuesday, July 31, 2012

College Prep

It's hard to believe that I am going to be a sophomore in college!!

Any of you incoming freshman? If so, here comes some advice... college is a complete adjustment but in the end you will love it. Don't be discouraged if you feel like you aren't getting acclimated as quickly as you want or as quickly as other classmates because ultimately you will! It took me until second semester to begin to get friend groups situated and learn the lay of the land but now I feel like an old pro or I try to think like one at least! The key is to be confident and to introduce yourself to as many people as possible, be open to all different personalities and cultures and ultimately you will learn about yourself and about others in the process.

Okay, now that I got my advice out of the way, down to the fun stuff... dorm room decorating. My family and I shopped around for dorm room stuff for a good month! I have to say, it was a lot of fun making my dorm room my home. Here are some pictures of my room last year...
You have to squeeze a lot of things into a little space... so, under the bed drawers
are essential, and putting the fridge under the bed helps a ton! 
I also made a London Wall with all my favorite photos to make it more homey! 

Here was my desk... bulletin board/ white board was essential for reminders and for photos
and the drawers you see next to the desk were from Target and held snacks and plates.
*You can tell I love Post-it notes just from my board alone, hehe*

This year I want to make my room less dormey if that makes sense and a little more like a room. So I'm going to be getting a new rug, my shag one didn't hold up... maybe this one.

I also have a closet this year instead of a wardrobe like last so that means I will be stuffing that closet full and hopefully leaving some of the under the bed drawers at home. 

I have to say, as much I have been enjoying these couple of months off, I am excited to get back into the swing of things with a new year. I like having a schedule and have things to do all the time and I am going a little bit crazy without a daily check list! Do any of you feel the same way? 

Have a wonderful day! 

P.S- I'm happy to answer any questions about college life, dorm room essentials (post coming soon) or first year transitions so please feel free to ask away! 

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