Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday's Motivation

This quote is phenomenal and it really serves as a reminder that we are in charge of our own lives including the people who we chose to surround ourselves with. I've always been a firm believer that you should surround yourself with people who have positive energy and those that will support you in your goals. I don't mean that they should just tell you what you want to hear, I think some of the best people are those that can provide you with a sense of reality while supporting you at the same time. 

There are plenty of people that I have come across that I call energy drainers or those that don't put as much effort into a friendship as they should and they ultimately get demoted. I guess you could say I did a little experiment this week (I know... all science all the time) I realized that I was the one who always reached out to certain friends from home and they never really reached out to me. So I decided that this week I wasn't going to initiate contact and see what happened. The friends that I were most curious about all contacted me within two days... and I even heard from one friend who graduated from my school last year that I haven't talked to in a month or so (who I call my brother)! It was nice for a change to see not only how you value other relationships but how other people value yours. 

I hope you are all able to foster valuable relationships and know when to promote and demote the individuals that you surround yourself with to energize yourself. 
Have a wonderful day! xox

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